Donizete Rodrigues


PhD in Social Anthropology (Coimbra University) is Associate Professor (with Aggregation in Sociology) at the University of the Beira Interior


Donizete Rodrigues, PhD in Social Anthropology (Coimbra University) is Associate Professor (with Aggregation in Sociology) at the University of the Beira Interior - where he was Dean of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences - and Senior-researcher at the Centre for Research in Anthropology, Lisbon, Portugal. He was visiting-fellow at Bristol University, England (2000-2005) and Columbia University, USA (2009-2010) and Associate-researcher (2011-2013) at the Center for the Study of Latin American Pentecostalism, University of Southern California (USA). He has taught in the Master and PhD seminars in Sociology and Anthropology in many countries, in America, Europe and Asia, and published numerous articles, chapters and books on religion.


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