The already submitted proposals and evaluation results stand as is.
It will be possible to submit new abstracts up to October 20th without any disadvantage compared to the ones that have already been sent and accepted.
Considering the postponement to next year may be reflected, in some cases, if an author needs to update their data or information, it is now possible to have a replacement of an already accepted abstract. Before long you will find the respective instructions on the website.
If an already accepted abstract id replaced it will be subject to evaluation.
Alter previously approved abstracts:
1- Send an e-mail to soliciting for a deactivation of the abstract sent in the 1st phase. Don’t forget to mention:
Abstract Reference
Name and e-mail from which you’ve sent the abstract.
Any change, no matter how small, of previously approved abstracts implies the cancelation of the abstract submitted in the 1st call, and the submission of the new one. This new abstract will again be subject to evaluation.
Abstracts should be submitted by the authors on the XI Congress website.
Submissions will be asked to provide the following information:
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